Friday, 11 April 2014

J for Jealousy!!

       The first time ever in my life that I felt jealous, which I have a clear memory of, was when I was five! It wasn't for any toy nor was it about anything that could be bought! It was about sharing love! Yes you read it right! Now you might be thinking why on earth a five year old could possibly worry about sharing love! Don’t be surprised. I will tell you why.

       When I was five, my little brother was born. As much as the whole concept appeared like a miracle to me, I hated him because I clearly wanted a sister! And this guy, as soon as he had appeared, had started taking my place. My mom was at her native place when he was born and so was I along with her till then. But once he was born, I was sent back with my dad to our home. Reason? I would be bothersome and it would be difficult for mom to look after us both at the same time! He had just arrived and was taking all the attention!

       I used to throw tantrums and make fuss till mom finally came back. I had missed her so much! And that guy, I was still a little angry with him. The people who came to visit, instead of saying “What a darling daughter you have!” as before, started to say “Oh you have such a cute baby boy! He looks exactly like you. He has your nose, eyes… Blah blah blah!” He had started to take the lime light as soon as he was born! My grandparents, who always used to play with me, now were his devotees! My aunt, who used to buy toys for me earlier, now bought them for him. And my mom, she used to spend all the time with him. Whenever she took some time to be with me, he used to cry and she had to go. And what about me? I tried to seek attention too, by crying or creating fuss. But I was told to adjust. Why? Because I was the elder one! I was very jealous of him and the way every one used to ogle him.

       I was sent to school but he got to stay home all the time. He slowly started taking control over everything that was mine. My room, my toys, my TV, everything!! But along with all these, he took over something else too, my heart! When a baby that cute, whom everyone used to adore, adored me, the feeling was unexplainable. Slowly I was becoming his captive too. I stopped creating fuss to get noticed. Instead I started to play with him during my free times. I actually waited for those times. And when he first spoke, instead of saying mom like every kid does, he said “akka” (meaning sister) I was on cloud nine. The jealousy, long forgotten, had now turned into a beautiful relation, the one in which there is no place for anything negative as such! The beautiful relation of siblings…

PS: Linking this post to the A-Z Challenge 2014 and Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2014.

Until the next post,
Keep Smiling :)

Swathi :)


  1. Awww... That was such a cute account of jealousy :)

  2. That's a cute post with a cute pic at the end . The same thing happened to me when my bro was born . And today years later he's my darling :)

  3. How sweet! God bless you both!!

  4. Sweet. And probably very common. (I was too young when my brother was born to remember if I was jealous of him. I probably was.)

  5. Awww he said akka! That is so sweet :) beautiful post

    1. Thank you :) yes he did n till date I flaunt about it *grins*

  6. Nice post. I had 2 younger brothers, but I wasn't jealous. As soon as they came home, I adopted them. They were MINE and I took them everywhere I went. I still would if I could. Thanks for sharing your experiences. That must have been so hard for you. Maybe the difference for me is that I had 4 older siblings, so I was already used to not being in the limelight. Take care!

    1. I feel the same way too about my brother now. That he is MINE and no one else gets to scold him.. till date :)

  7. I just LOVED this one!! Happened with me when was 7 and my little sis was born (now don't be jealous that I have a sis, just kidding!)... could totally relate to the post! *wipes off the tears of nostalgia of acting jealous and silly*

    1. U know I was angry with my mom when my brother was born! Coz I wanted a sister :D

  8. Such a wonderful blogpost Swathy! I'm a younger sibling so I'm sure my elder sister must have experienced the same emotions as you, but now we share a beautiful bond so I can completely understand this post.

    1. She must have initially :) but as time goes, it turns into love :)

  9. I loved reading your post. So sweet :)

  10. well I was a unique piece but did have fights with my cousins over anything and everything:D


  11. So cute. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters, and I couldn't visualize a life without them

  12. That's such a cute piece. I am actually the younger one among my siblings so I must have caused the same kind of reaction to my brothers as your brother did to you :)

  13. Ohh so sweet actually...I wrote about this kind of jealousy in my story for the day...When my sister was born I just told everybody that I will love her and they can continue loving me :D

    Latest A2Z Challenge Post-Random Thoughts Naba

  14. cutest jealously i ever read :)

    1. N the sweet jealousy I felt :) Thanks ankur :)

  15. Lovely jealousy post ended in a cute note dear!!! I remember the times when my nephew was jealous when my sis was pregnant with niece!!

    Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
    Smile, it makes (y)our day!

  16. Siblings are indeed the biggest blessing!

  17. Lovely story. I remember the same thing happening with me and my little sister. Thank you for sharing!
    Happy A-Z!

  18. I've felt jealous quite a few times. I still do, sometimes I just cannot help myself!

    1. Happens sophie :) All we need to do is ostay in check

  19. that is a super cute snap and story ! i don't recall the jealousy i had when my younger sister was born, because I was about 3 yrs old at that time...but with two kids of my own, i can tell u i have experienced it as a spectator....between my kids!

    1. I wonder what is a parent's perspective on this kind of jealousy between their kids :D

  20. Such a cute story of sibling love! Adorable, love the pic :)

  21. We have all been through this now havent we? Good ol' sibling rivalry:D


  22. This is so adorable! I am an elder sibling too, but I was never jealous, apparently. Your account is lovely and realistic :) Great job, Swathi!

    1. Thank you ma'am :) I was jealous initially but now he is my darling :)

  23. Sweet post dear Swathi:) love the bit where u say he took everything of urs and then took ur heart too <3

  24. Haha this reminds me of my two younger brothers. There used to be so much jealousy between the two!

  25. Awww hw sweet!!! <3 sudhi is very lucky to have a sis lyk u :-)

    1. see saddy how much we elder siblings love the younger ones.. n u say we don't :P

  26. A perfect example of turning a negative emotion into a positive one. Great post
    Carol @ Battered Hope

  27. Congrats Swathi for TANGY tuesday !


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