Thursday, 24 July 2014

100 Happy Days - Day 1 to Day 10

      So I finally took up the challenge that is running very popular these days. Every time I open my FB account, I find two or three friends' photos for this #100happydays challenge. I had thought of taking part in this long back but being a lousy user of FB, I had dropped the thought. But when I saw a few fellow bloggers posting about it too, I just couldn't hold back. I wanted to try it. In my opinion, if we try and learn to find happiness in something each day for 100 days, then by the end of the 100th day, it will become a habit, which is more than I can ask from this challenge. So here are my #100happydays photos from Day 1 to Day 10.

Day 1: After months of gap, I had shopped for books, thanks to the voucher I got from Shop... Only to save more! activity by BlogAdda. And the books arrived on last Monday. The happiness I felt at that time was what pushed me to take this challenge.

Day 2: Next day I was ecstatic as I completed my 100th Blog Post. The joy was beyond words! I said a silent 'Thank You' to God and prayed him to guide me in the future too.

Also my post Phubbing got picked up as Tangy Tuesday Picks. I was even more happy :)

Day 3: I logged in to FB to see my Blogger friend Preethi spreading word about the Book Fair that she had visited the previous day. There were selling books at 200Rs per KG! Can you believe it? My first reaction was to book a ticket to Bangalore and leave at once. But as the initial excitement waned (which was not at all easy) and I got back my senses, I promptly called up my friend in Bangalore and pleaded with her to get me the books. And yes, she agreed :)

Day 4: I had to write a poem on Environment as a part of my internship at Tell a Tale. When I didn't get any good idea, my mom told me to have a walk on our Terrace and enjoy the weather. Oh! I absolutely loved it. Watching the sun set, birds fly, trees sway with the feel of cool evening breeze on my face; it felt like heaven. And of course, the poem was done :)

Pardon me for the poor image quality. It was clicked with an old phone!

Day 5: Received a book for review from BlogAdda. This was the first time I had applied for their book review program and getting one, I felt so happy. And to add to my happiness, the book was an author signed copy! :) You can read my review here.

Day 6: Corn! Yummy! It is the first time we brought corn this year! I absolutely love it. It brought back all the memories of school days. Me and my friends used to stop near that Bhutta shop to have the roasted corn on our way back from school!

Day 7: This might be a little surprise but I have never been to a hotel in Shimoga with family, even though I have stayed here all my life! We did go to hotels when we were travelling but not in our home town. So this Sunday on my brother's demand, we finally went to a hotel and had Masala Dosa :) Of course it was yummy!

Day 8: After six long months, I visited my grandfather, My Role Model! Had fun chatting with him and listening to stories (Yes, he still tells me stories and I love them) while having the yummy lunch cooked by grandmother. Also got pocket money, a belated birthday present :D

Day 9: Yet again BlogAdda made my day. My post Diagnosis of Study Holidays  got picked up as the Tangy Tuesday Picks. Also the post Mind Reading was WOWed! I was happy happy :)

Day 10: I had got membership at the central library four years back but had never visited it much as it is poorly stocked! But something made me go back yesterday and I am thankful for that! There I found many books that I would love to read (though it is still poorly stocked, there are a some authors which I wouldn't miss reading now). After few minutes of skimming through, I picked up these two books for this week's read.

So these were the things that made me happy in the past 10 days. Of course there were more, but this is it for now. 

PS: Linking this post to the Ultimate Blog Challenge July 2014 and NaBloPoMo.

Until the next post,
Keep Smiling :)

Swathi :)


  1. What a fun challenge! And a great way to look back and see something special in each day!

  2. Hey swathi:D:D that was such a nice and happy happy post. Congrats to u for all ur accomplishments and u have inspired me to write a post about the good things that happenedto me in the past few days!:)
    Thank u

  3. You are on a roll! Don't stop! Great job! From UBC

  4. You have had quite an eventful 10 days! Way to go and congrats on being featured on Blogadda...

  5. Interesting challenge,I wish happiness for you

  6. I completed this challenge sometime in June but did it via Instagram. It forces you to take notice of things to be grateful for. Quite enjoyed reading your first 10 days. Looking forward to the next 90. :)

  7. I've been thinking about doing this, Love the picture of the palm trees. Sometimes imperfect is good

  8. Congratulations on completing 100 posts and that is one yummy looking masala dosa!!!!!

  9. Glad you started 100 happy days! It was great reading about your first 10 Hope you complete it :) (if I am not wrong most of them were about writing and reading. Happy happy)


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